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Count by Copper Coins

Item No. MDS004

In Chinese writing, the numeric system from one to three is simply presented by the corresponding number of parallel lines. From four onwards, they are expressed by other means. Eight and nine are composed of curve strokes. Using copper coins and counting their quantities would allow the understanding of Chinese numbers written format. With the printed numbers and the corresponding little round pieces of cloth, lining up in consecutive sequence, conforms to the proper order amount. Combining the measuring quantity with numbers would help intensify learning capability by children.

For Age 4 or above


編號 MDS004

中國數字單位的書寫方法, 從一至三都以相等數量的平衡線的模式表逹,自「四」開始, 表達方式已轉為另類書寫方法,當中「八」及「九」便是用曲線組成。透過字配銅錢的具體操作數量的動作,擴展認識中國數字書寫法,配以印上數字與相應小圓的布,控制了量的序列規則,用以作配對活動,宊顯數字與序量的關係。深化孩子認知中文量詞與數量的結合。

適用年齡:  四歲以上
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