Lau Wing-Sze, Daisy
2014-2019年香港蒙特梭利研究及發展學會主席。17年蒙特梭利嬰幼教前線工作經驗,擁美國蒙特梭利協會教師培訓師資格。2010年,在港開設首個符合國際標準的美國蒙特梭利協會教師培訓中心,與同年成立的香港蒙特梭利研究及發展學會,於華人社區累計至今已共培訓老師逾兩千。身為香港兒童無限學校創辦人及前校監,作為已故香港幼教之母陳淑安院士的弟子,承傳使命,擔任了12年香港中文大學專業進修學院蒙特梭利家長教育課程導師,及延續加拿大家長良師(parent mentor)責任,曾指導達兩萬華人家長。持續向本港多間大學及學院,提供幼師實習場地及作導師、舉辦研討會及交流,作義務工作, 2020年開始全身投入中國協助嬰幼兒發展事業,擔任多個項目的顧問及執行長。亦曾獲邀擔任英國倫敦蒙特梭利國際中心教學實習顧問及香港聖約翰救傷隊九龍青年會護士支隊會長。更為各教育單位、各報章、雜誌撰寫教育文章逾10年。
近年,為內地二十多間幼園作蒙教顧問,2017年5月親自成立了陳鶴琴「活教育」香港研究中心及擔任主任。同年,於香港教育大學舉辦了「香港亞洲蒙特梭利會議2017」,擔任主席及用四年時間撰寫的《蒙教在華史》作贈閱。去年,獲中國幼教之父陳鶴琴家族成員邀請,為清華大學 - 華園生態融合活教育研究撰寫「兒童無限孩子的社會性發展」文章。2018年,協助廣東廣播電視台教育頻道拍攝「大灣區向我們的校長致敬」專輯。亦撮合了東莞市康復實驗學校與香港匡智會成姊妹校。多年來,獲各省市教育局及衛計局,為各幼園作公益家長講座。又獲邀為吉林省教育廳科學育兒研究中心成員,及獲提名為中華教育改進社副理事長。現亦擔任華中科技大學社會學院早期幼兒發展研究學術顧問。身為一18歲兒子之母,仍醉心嬰幼研究。現重點在於研究漢字幼教法、幼兒與社會發展的關係、中西教育共通、家長教育及中國幼教發展史。2017年,香港蒙特梭利研究及發展學會獲香港政府承認為註冊慈善團體,為嬰幼服務更上一層樓。2020年6月29日
Ms. Lau Wing-Sze, Daisy
Daisy was the incumbent chairperson of Hong Kong Montessori Research and Development Association (HKMRDA) between 2014-2019. After 17 years of Montessori infant-toddler classroom experience, she is a teacher trainer for the American Montessori Society (AMS). In 2010, Daisy founded the first internationally-recognized AMS teacher training center in Hong Kong. In the same year, she also established HKMRDA. With these organizations, over two thousand teachers in the Greater China area have been trained over the years.
As the apprentice of Ms. Chen Shu-An, the Mother of Hong Kong Early Childhood Education, Daisy has taken on the grand mission of early childhood education. She was cofounder and ex-supervisor of Infinity Montessori Academy. In addition, she is also a lecturer of parent education courses at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, for the past twelve years. She has continued her responsibilities in parent mentorship in Canada. Daisy has mentored over 20,000 Chinese parents in these years and positions combined, and continues to serve local universities and colleges as instructor, practicum supervisor, and conference speaker. In 2020, she started her new chapter to help early child development, acting as consultants and project executer in China.
Daisy serves as the practicum consultant for Montessori Centre International, London, England, and volunteers her time for the Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Brigade KYMCA Division as the Long Service Medal President. She has also written education-related articles and columns for various newspapers and magazines for over ten years. Recently, she has served as Montessori consultant for over twenty kindergartens in Mainland China. In May, 2017, she established the Chen He-Qin Living Education Research Centre in Hong Kong and serves as its supervisor. Daisy organized and served as the chairperson of the Montessori Asia Conference Hong Kong 2017 held at the Education University of Hong Kong.
Last year, on invitation of Chen He-Qin’s (Father of Chinese Early Child Education) family members, Daisy wrote an essay entitled “The Social Development of Children of Infinity Montessori Academy” for Tsinghua University. In 2017, Daisy wrote a book “Montessori Development History in China” for the Montessori Asia Conference Hong Kong. In 2018, Daisy assisted the filming and creation of “Salute to Our Principals from the Bay Area” for Guangdong Broadcast Company’s education channel. She also helped the Dongguan Recovery Experimental School and Hong Chi Association of Hong Kong to become sister schools. Over the years, Daisy conducted charitable parent education seminars for many kindergartens on behalf of provincial invitations. She has also been invited to take part in the Education Department of Jilin Province’s Scientific Child Education Research Centre and the Chinese Education Improvement Institute and the Academic Consultant of Early Childhood Development, School of Social Science of Huazhong University of Science & Technology.
As a mother of a 18-year-old son, Daisy is still immersed into early childhood education research. Her current research emphases are Chinese-language and literacy education in early childhood, the relationship between infant-toddler and societal development, the combination of eastern and western education, parent education, and the history of early childhood education in China. Since 2017, HKMRDA has been recognized by Hong Kong government as a registered charitable organization, which will bring more improvement and contribution to infant-toddler education to the city and beyond.
1st November 2018